
英文課之課程以融通課程(英文科) (Systematic Approach to Mainstream Education (SAME))內的聽、說、讀和寫四個學習範疇為基礎,而達致三個學習內容「基本知識範疇Knowledge Strand」、「人際交往範疇Interpersonal Strand」、「生活經歷範疇Experience Strand」,詳情如下。


  1. 利用英文兒歌和短詩,培養基本聽辨能力。
  2. 表現適當的傾聽態度,並做適當反應。
  3. 熟悉日常生活中常用詞語、句型,並能服從指令等。



  1. 能以適當的肢體語言、溝通圖卡、語言溝通輔助器或口語表達需求、思想及情意,以達到相互溝通的目的。
  2. 表現適當的社交溝通能力,以增進人際互動。
  3. 表現適當的溝通態度。



  1. 認識生活中常用圖卡、符號、標誌及文字。
  2. 具備閱讀日常生活中常用詞彙及短文能力,擴充生活經驗,培養思考能力。
  3. 能理解他人的肢體語言,做適切的判斷,並合理的表達及反應。
  4. 培養閱讀、欣賞英文課外讀物的興趣及習慣。



  1. 掌握寫英文字母的筆劃。
  2. 書寫英文字母,並利用字母來表達個人思想與意願。
  3. 培養應用電腦英文鍵盤代替書寫英文字母。


總目標 Overall Targets

1. To provide every pupil with a second language and opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people as well as opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work in the English medium; and

2. To enable every pupil to prepare for the changing socio-economic demands resulting from advances in information technology; these demands include the interpretation, use and production of materials for pleasure, study and work in the English medium.

3 The following guiding principles may be considered essential in teaching English Language to pupils with learning difficulties:

   3.1 Purposeful contexts: Opportunities should be provided for enhancing the abilities in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing; such learning should be carried out in purposeful contexts.

   3.2 Balance language learning and mental growth: make use of pupil-centred instruction to encourage pupil independence, develop the will and ability to communicate and express.

   3.3 Access to Information Technology (IT): Content and forms of data obtainable through IT are rich, interesting and interactive. Access to such materials stimulates the sensory intake, learning motivation and widens learning strategies.